For the Sake of Argument Correspondent, Tripti Pandey, catches up with Ms. Laavnaya Kaushik. This young lady has already been running a NGO and making difference to lives of many around her daily. And she is only 19.!

Tripti (T): Please
introduce yourself to readers.
Laavnaya Kaushik (L) : I am one of you. I am 20yrs old with same
work as you, and the same dream as any of you have. I am Laavnaya Kaushik, but I am one of you. Profile wise I have been
running an NGO FOLKS AND US FOUNDATION for the past four years apart from being a third year law student who aspires to make a change.
(T): How
did you come up with such an idea?
(L): I had gone for conference to the United States and
there we visited the United Nation headquarters and they had a slogan that read,“Think Globally, Act Locally”. Being on an international forum you realise where
you stand as representative of a country and that’s when I decided I should try
and help build our country

(T): Still
four years back, you were in school, so running a NGO and making one would have
been difficult choice to make. You already had your studies to handle. What motivated you?

(L): Ever since I was a kid my parents always asked
me to push my boundaries and the faith my sister had in me gave me confidence.
Plus 16-18yrs is the age where we have this new found energy which has to be
channelized in the right direction and I guess that’s what I tried to do.

(T): What
has been your biggest obstacle so far?
(L): In the beginning the biggest obstacle was
to be taken seriously. After all I was 16yrs old and I had people relying on

(T): How
do you manage studies, college and your work?
(L): The key is to prioritise and manage your
time well. I would be kidding if I say it’s easy if you are dedicated there’s
always time for everything. Having an everyday to do list
for long term plans has always helped me.

(T): Where
do you wish to be in next 8 years?
(L): Umm,. I wish to be in the Forbes list would
pursue being a successful lawyer but at the same time like a mother cannot give
up on her child, folks and us will always have a special place in my life.

(T): …And
what bout Folks and Us?
(L): I really wish and hope in coming 8 years, Folks and Us would have affected and brought change in life of 20% people of

(T): There may be many who might have tried to do what you did, but they were never able to motivate themselves enough. A message for those readers?

(L): Find the one thing that matters to you that
you believe in and put your heart and soul in it. It’s your life, take charge.

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